Wednesday 9 February 2011

Late Teaser Tuseday!

I began this book today!!... and since yesterday I did not have the book, I will make this week's tuesday a wendsday :P

Title: I am the Messenger
Author: Markus Zusak

"For a good ten minutes or so we stand there with the flashlight burning the grave with light. The whole time, I'm trying to guess where and exactly how he died, and more to the point of realizing that poor old Milla's been without him for sixty years."

"Just after five thitry, a lone figure comes from around the side of the house. I think it's a girl but can't be sure because the figure has a hood over the head."


  1. greetings from usa!
    you can visit me at:

  2. hi! thanks !
    have a happy day :)
